Erik has a gift for numbers but a passion for real estate and gets to combine them as Theory’s CFO. He loves analyzing investments and helping others with personal finance in his free time. In 2018, he graduated from the University of Washington’s Tacoma campus with a Bachelors in Accounting.
Erik has lived his whole life in the South Puget Sound area, raised in Federal Way and now lives with his wife, Victoria, in downtown Puyallup. When the beautiful PNW shows off for 3 months, Erik enjoys golfing, wakeboarding, power or paddle boating, backpacking, and eating outside with family and friends.
My Name Is: Erik Edvalds
I Am: A lover of change, a long term planner, and advocate of small business and entrepreneurship
Born In: Federal Way, WA
Proudest Moment: Marrying the beautiful Victoria Edvalds
Biggest Challenge: Remembering and reapplying sunscreen
I Love Real Estate Because: There are soooooooo many different ways to get involved, it’s an incredible wealth-building tool, and it’s a part of all areas of life!
My Superhero Power: Unwavering (and sometimes excessive) Optimism
First Job: Accountant at Provident Electric
Favorite Puyallup Neighborhood: Downtown Puyallup, “The Bellevue of Tacoma” (I’m sure I’m not the only one that says that)
Hobbies Outside of Real Estate? Golfing, any water activities, long video chats with friends and family, adventuring the PNW, and talking investments and personal finance
Favorite Sports Team: I don’t watch many sports but I’m always down for the camaraderie around sports. So I’m a Seattle fan.
Favorite Season: Most of my hobbies involve a nice day so I’d have to go with summer but nothing personal against the other seasons, I love you all.